Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pelangi Palembang by Ghea Panggabean (Kartini event)

Got a Kartini goodie bag for attending Ghea's 2nd event (April 16) at AAI from kedaung (Mr. James de Rave)

'harus ada seorang yang memberi contoh! contohnya harus baik dan dapat dipercaya'

(Kartini, 21 Desember 1901)

Happy Kartini Day :)

Media: proud to be an Indonesian women
ps. Thank u so much dear ibu RA Kartini :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pelangi Palembang by Ghea Panggabean (part 2)

Sinar Harapan putting foto of breakfast table setting at their article ( hehehe :D )
you can read the full article by clicking this or clicking on the picture (for larger image)

media: stay up all night long
ps. :)

Pelangi Palembang by Ghea Panggabean (part 1)

helping Ghea for table setting (breakfast) on Pelangi Palembang event at AAI

perspective 1

perspective 2

perspective 3

media: AAI product, Ghea's jumputan Palembang, Kedaung Pelangi Palembang set, Retota product.
ps. you can read several article about this event at here, here, and here

last but not least, window display for this month :

perspective 1

media: giant poster from Kedaung, AAI product, VM tools
ps. you can see this event until April 30 at Gallery AAI, Grand Indonesia.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whenever sunrise awake

You always around

media: watercolour, pencil colour
ps. Wish our fairytales could come true..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

after school hour

media: watercolour, pencil colour
ps. picking you up :)